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Twitch Fidget Pen
Twitch Fidget PenTwitch Fidget PenTwitch Fidget PenTwitch Fidget Pen
ID #551848784

Twitch Fidget Pen

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  • Pricing
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General pricing

Pad Print Pricing

Quantity Base Price Total Price
150+$1.72$1.97 (Additional charges applied)
300+$1.67$1.92 (Additional charges applied)
600+$1.62$1.87 (Additional charges applied)
1200+$1.47$1.72 (Additional charges applied)
2600+$1.42$1.67 (Additional charges applied)
Additional Charges
  • Run Charge: Run Charges - Pens - $0.25
  • Set-up Charge: Setup - Pens - $25.00

Product detail


Name: Twitch Fidget Pen

Description: Write a check for success when you include this twitch fidget pen in your next marketing campaign! The multifunction writing instrument and stress relieving device is made of PS plastic and features silicone gel buttons and black medium point ink. The gadget functions on this twist-action pen include click and flip. It's available in multiple color combinations and can be customized with a pad printed imprint of your company's name, logo and advertising message before handing it out at various promotional opportunities!

Short Description: PS plastic pen that's twist-action with silicone gel buttons for stress relief and black medium point ink

Number: P557

Latest information

Is New: No

Is Trending: No

Is Confirmed: No

Has Full Color Process: No

Has Rush Service: Yes

Distributor Comments: 4CP Transfers are temporarily unavailable as a decoration option. Assorted Color Policy - Minimum of 50 units per color may be ordered. Not available with less than minimum orders. Over/Under runs - Every effort is made to ship the exact quantity ordered; however due to the nature of the manufacturing process we reserve the right to ship 5% (2% on orders 5000 or more) over or under the quantity ordered and invoice accordingly. Blank Orders - Billed at EQP Less 5%. Due to the cost of order processing no orders less than $100 (not including freight) will be processed. LTM fees and first column pricing will apply to all re-orders. Due to the cost of order processing we will not accept orders for less than $100(X) (not including freight). Self-Promos - Subject to approval. 10% Off EQP price and 50% off applicable setup and run charges.

Additional Info:

Update Date: March 7, 2023

Categories: Ballpoint-twist Action General



Size0.25"H x 1.0"W$2HQ


ColorBlue-Navy - 282 C$2HM
ColorBlue-Process - Process Blue C$2HM
ColorBlue-Reflex - Reflex Blue C$2HM
ColorBurgundy - 202 C$2HM
ColorGold (Metallic) - 874 C$2HM
ColorGray - 423 C$2HM
ColorGray - Cool Gray 4 C$2HM
ColorGreen-Dark - 343 C$2HM
ColorGreen-Lime - 375 C$2HM
ColorGreen-Medium - 347 C$2HM
ColorOrange - 021 C$2HM
ColorPink-Hot - 225 C$2HM
ColorPurple - 268 C$2HM
ColorRed - 199 C$2HM
ColorRed - 485 C$2HM
ColorSilver (Metallic) - 877 C$2HM
ColorTeal - 327 C$2HM
ColorYellow - 102 C$2HM
ColorYellow-Gold-Athletic - 123 C$2HM

Pad Print

TypeDescriptionPrice (Quantity)
ChargeRun Charges - Pens0.25 USD (1-2147483647)
ChargeSetup - Pens25 USD (1-2147483647)

Production & Shipping


Supplier's shipping address: No default supplier address provided.

Product shipped from: Gaffney, SC 29341 USA

Product-specific shipping details: Please inquire directly for shipping details such as estimated time of arrival.

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