Page 2 - Demo
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2WE GET TO WORK.We get to work with our hands.We get to work on a team.We get to work with a smile on our faces and a fire in our bellies.WE GET TO BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO SUCK AT SOMETHING NEW.To figure it out as we go.And then to mentor someone else brave enough to suck at something new.We get to work fired up before sunupand come up with new ways to make a long day go down easy.We get to do things that can%u2019t be taught in a lecture hall.Or on a conference call.But are learned in the field, in kitchens, in garages.We get to know our way around metric and standard.Stick-to-itiveness and shenanigans.Crunch time and happy hour.WE GET TO WORK INSIDE, OUTSIDE, UPSIDE DOWN.